If your family is like mine, each Thanksgiving we go around the table and share what we are thankful for! Every year it’s usually easy to rattle off a long list. But this year in 2020… most families have weathered sickness, job loss, grief, financial strain, anxiety, depression, and unprecedented stress. And to top it off, recent COVID spikes have prevented families from gathering in person this holiday season. A heart and spirit of “gratitude” may seem pretty far away…
This Thanksgiving, here is a two-part twist on the classic dinner table question, “What are you thankful for?”
- What blessings has God entrusted you to steward?
- How can you thank God in advance for what you do not yet see?
#1. What blessings has God entrusted you to steward?
Maybe it’s the perfectionist in me, but I’ve always viewed my life as if I’m editing an English paper! I would sort of glaze over all the wonderful, positive things in my life – and zoom in on the things that needed “editing.”
One morning during my commute to downtown Dallas, I ran a mental list of all the things in my life that needed “fixing” and I wished were different: I was frustrated how an unfair work situation pushed back the possibility for a promotion. (I wanted the promotion now.) I was angry how two people hurt me and never cared to ask for forgiveness. (I wanted a sincere apology.) I wanted to buy a house. I wanted to be married with kids within a few years. And I wanted to travel to all the lavish, exotic places that bloggers post about. If I just had all those things…
Then suddenly, I heard God say to me, “Look around you. You have been planted in an Eden. Why do you long for the few things you don’t have?”
The light switched on. I realized I was so focused on what I didn’t have, I failed to acknowledge and cherish all the other blessings God entrusted me to steward.

Adam and Eve were surrounded by abundance, life, and beauty. The Hebrew word for “EDEN” translates to “paradise” and “place of delight.” And yet they couldn’t resist lusting after the one thing they didn’t have.
I realized I am surrounded by an overflowing wellspring of life, purpose, promises kept, unexpected blessings, an abundance of joy, God’s protection that I didn’t know I needed, divine healing, strong accountability, restoration, and revival.
I’m grateful for my amazing family who loves the Lord. Circles of friends. My health and spiritual gifts. My education. Amazing life experiences where I have gleaned so much resilience and unique skills. My freedom to dream. My freedom to live out my faith. My church home that is my second family. Strong warrior women who model wisdom and courage.
Just like all the animal species and types of vegetation that filled the Garden of Eden – God has filled your life with unique gifts He has entrusted you to steward! Gifts that are not dependent on financial gain or loss. Such as – your spiritual gifts, your relationships, your talents and dreams, your experiences, your personality traits, your resources, your strengths, and your weapons of spiritual warfare!
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace. Whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies – in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.
I Peter 4:10-11
#2. How can you thank God in advance, for what you do not yet see?
Growing up, my mom made us breakfast as kids growing up, sometimes she put a pretty leaf or flower by our plates that she found from her early morning walks around the neighborhood. (Because she’s an early bird and the only one in the family who pops out of bed like a pop tart! 😂)
I remember one fall morning she put an acorn by my placemat.
“What’s this for??”
She said, “Have you ever thought about how an entire oak tree already exists inside that little acorn? It’s a reminder that God’s promises already exist in places we may not even see. But they’re there and we should pray expectantly and thank Him in advance for what is to come.” (Preach momma!)
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen . . . By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.
Hebrews 11:1-3
This certainly doesn’t mean we will get our way, or our timing. 😊 But it means having confidence and conviction in things we do not yet see. It means having an expectant faith in God who is able to do great and mighty things. It means thanking God in advance for what is to come, because our hope and trust is in Him.
How can we be praying expectantly? This Thanksgiving – are we also thanking Him in advance for what we do NOT yet see? It may not manifest exactly in the way we expect… but we can always have expectant faith that He will do great and mighty things, and He is always at work preparing us for a promise!
What are your thoughts on gratitude?? Leave a comment below!
Love and blessings for a wonderful Thanksgiving!